The so-called “payment court procedure in Spain” may allow you to recover the debt faster than a normal judicial procedure. Do you want to know exactly what a “payment court procedure in Spain” is? In our blog we help you to know what exactly is a payment procedure and we attach a claim template.

In FreeClaim we process all kind of claims and depending on the circumstances, we balance the possibility to start a judicial procedure.


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Moreover, the recent Voluntary Jurisdiction Act has introduced what has been called as “notarial payment procedure”, which empowers creditors whit liquid, certain, due and payable credits, to claims such debts through a notarial conduct.

Should the debtor does not show any opposition, the public deed would be itself and executive title to start a judicial executive process against the debtor.

If you need to file a “payment court procedure in Spain”, FreeClaim offers, with no advance money and only charging if you get paid, a team of lawyers who will review your case either to file a court complaint, mediate a friendly agreement or initiate a lawsuit.

Collect unpaid invoices

Collect your unpaid bills at no cost to you. The more time elapses, the more difficult will be to recover your money.

Debt collection

We collect debt whether it is a specific case or the whole debt management of your company.

Payment procedure

If negotiation fails, the payment procedure may allow you to quickly recover the debt.


FreeClaim's advantages

No matter where you are.

100% online service.

If you prefer, in person in the Community of Madrid.

Make your claim will cost you nothing.

Free consultation and fee quotation.

We only charge if you get paid.



97% claim success rate

within certain fields: In some fields our success rate is almost complete. Consult us for free


Manuel Gómez

Floor Causes

T. +34 91 141 35 39