If you are looking for lawyers specialist in accident claims, FreeClaim may help you. Our lawyers specialist in accident claims may study your case at no cost to you, assisting you from the very beginning of the claim until the final payment.

Accident compensation will be claimed either by an extrajudicial claim, attempting a friendly settlement as at first stage, or through the appropriate legal action.

If you have one or several civil claims and wants to claim your rights without cost to you, FreeClaim will help you charging only a small percentage of what you get, depending on the chances of success of the claim and the solvency of the / s counterpart/s.

Through an accident lawyer in Madrid in person, or through an online lawyer if you are out of the Community of Madrid, you can claim your rights or calculate your accident compensation.

We defend you for 0€

Tell us your case and a specialized lawyer will contact you.

Accept privacy politics.

Pay 0€ for your claim

We deal with your claim for free.
from 4% to 19% success fee.

Free Claim

Contact Us

Tell us your case

We deal with your claim

Success fee only

In our blog we help you to calculate an accident compensation, depending on the damage suffered. As an example, we show you the whiplash trauma compensation, or compensation for whiplash sprain.

Whether you have suffered a traffic accident as a driver of a vehicle, occupant, passenger or pedestrian, do not hesitate to contact us. In FreeClaim we will help at no cost to you and our lawyers in traffic accidents and compensation will inform you of the best way to recover any compensation or severance for accidents that may correspond you.

Once we have studied your case, FreeClaim will only charge you a percentage of the amount you get paid with, and only in the moment you have paid.

Moreover, it is very common that the insurance policy of your vehicle covers all or part of the fees directly to FreeClaim. If your policy provides it, FreeClaim will arrange the necessary to make your insurer to pay you back the efforts our fees.

FreeClaim's advantages

No matter where you are.

100% online service.

If you prefer, in person in the Community of Madrid.

Make your claim will cost you nothing.

Free consultation and fee quotation.

We only charge if you get paid.



97% claim success rate

within certain fields: In some fields our success rate is almost complete. Consult us for free


Manuel Gómez

Floor Causes

T. +34 91 141 35 39