If you wish to file a civil claim, FreeClaim may help you. Our lawyers, specialist in civil law, will look into your case at no cost for you, helping you from the very beginning of the claim until the end of the procedure, with the total payment of the due amount. Through an extrajudicial claim attempting a friendly solution or by a judicial claim, we will be with you across all the procedure.
If you have one or several civil claims and you want to claim your rights without cost to you, in FreeClaim will charge you only a small percentage of what you get, depending on the chances of success and the solvency of the debtor.
In addition to civil claims, in FreeClaim are specialized in business law, and we provide a continues advice in all kind of corporate, commercial and contractual consultations, as well as in insolvency and pre-insolvency areas, both for debtors and creditors.
We defend you for 0€
Tell us your case and a specialized lawyer will contact you.