If you want to claim your “floor clause”, FreeClaim may help you. Our lawyers can help to eliminate flor clauses included in mortgages agreements or loans. Those clauses shall be considering null and void, and the bank will have to return the undue amounts collected under the application of that clause.
What is a floor clause? How do I know if a have a floor clause?
The so-called “floor clauses” prevent the interest rate from going below a baseline minimum, although the Euribor (or other bank index) falls below. Currently, the Euribor quite low so, if your mortgage has this kind of unfair clauses, you might not be benefiting from the fall in the index.
To find out if your home mortgage agreement includes a floor clause, you should review your mortgage public deed. If it says that in any case the interest rate may be less than a fixed percentage, this is a floor clause.
In addition, you can start a claim on the floor clause if the interest rate shown on your last bank excerpt is not equal to Euribor (or your particular bank index) plus the differential rate that you agreed with the bank.
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